Karolina 'Isvoc' Plutowska
Price List
Terms of Service
Status List


Additional character increases the price depending on various factors and are quoted on case by case basis.
All prices are in EUR.
This price list applies only to private commissions. For commercial/licensed work please contact me individually.
Last update: 23rd January 2023

Opening usually attracts more people and commission ideas than I am capable of fulfilling during a single month. While I do my best to suit everyone, I won't be able to accept every single commission. The amount of workdays in a month can't be extended, I can work only a limited number of hours per day before becoming exhausted! At the same time I refuse to accept commissions months or years ahead of current schedule. Due to this, my commissions aren't first come - first served, and ordering process for my art looks like this:

1. Sending in the idea, at any time. [agent communication]
2. Idea review and a price quote, at any time. [agent communication]
3. Slots selection, only during opening. [agent communication]
4. Payment. [agent communication]
5. Sketch/approval stage and review. [artist communication]
6. Finalizing the piece. [artist communication]
7. Potential final tweaks. [artist communication]

- All inquiries, quotes, questions and invoicing are handled by my agent. When you e-mail me with your commission request, my agent is the one who will reply and guide you through the initial stages and you will be provided a price quote. Please keep in mind receiving a quote doesn't guarantee a slot. Sometimes it may take a couple of months to get in. At same time, please don't get discouraged - unless specifically stated the rejection is not permanent. It's only about current availability. Please keep trying!

- Each price is tailored to fit an individual commission. Price depends on wishes, complexity, character design and other factors - please include references and mention commission type/s you are interested in. It helps a lot to crunch through the inquiries if it all is laid out in first message! You won't get a quote or a slot if we don't get through this step first.

- If your idea is not something I will draw, my agent won't give you the price at all and will explain why the idea got rejected.

- Quotes can be requested at any time throughout the month.

- While my commission openings happen at the beginning of the month, it takes time for my agent to crunch through all the e-mails and process the invoices and payments. Because of this, my schedule runs from 15th to 15th of each month. Some artworks will still be in progress while my agent handles new commission opening.

- During the opening, my agent has to process all the incoming ideas, which is a time consuming process. Please be patient if you don't receive a reply right away, especially if you were given a price before - my agent reads every e-mail, your interest has definitely been noted and my agent simply had no additional questions.

- Once all commission ideas have been appraised, they are put into a list for me to choose from. Ideas I pick must fit into my limited schedule, so ultimately only few people will get a slot at a time. Which ideas I pick month to month varies a lot, there's no single theme or style that will work every time, and I like working out of my comfort zone.

- Every inquiry receives a notification. Even if I can't accept your commission at given time, you will be informed so please keep an eye out! To clarify, not getting a slot right away does not mean I won't ever draw your idea - everyone who didn't happen to get in during specified month/opening can try at any other next opportunity. I tend to keep a close eye on people who wait for a long time, so sooner or later they get the art!

- Please note that it is required to send an e-mail DURING the commission opening [or specified in any way] if you are interested in a slot. If you can't participate this month and send no e-mail or you simply forget and never contact us, no problem - you can come back at any point you like, but please keep in mind that without e-mailing me your request is not participating in the opening.

- Once again, please don't get discouraged. It takes time to get on the list due to demand. Please keep trying!


Sketchpages: starting at 25 EUR

Simple artistic freedom/wing it character sketches. No approval stage or revisions are offered for this type. I accept simple keywords for the sketches. Amount availability - 1-7 elements per sketchpage, one character per element.

   Portrait (head) - 25 EUR
   Bust (shoulders and up, arms not included) - 35 EUR
   Halfbody (from bellybutton and up) - 50 EUR
   Fullbody (whole body) - 70 EUR


Frontal Icons: starting at 120 EUR

Frontal portrait icon, single character/single head only. Rendering here is more rough and simplified compared to other fully detailed artworks. They come as PNG in 3000px, 400px, 100px, and GIF 100px (plug&play for FA).


Speedpaintings: starting at 200 EUR

Rough, simple artwork kept in illustrative/painterly style. Speedpaintings are done in single sitting, there is no sketch or approval stage!
Usually done within 4 hours.


Portrait: starting at 250 EUR

Painterly portraits with simple backgrounds. They can be cropped or painted on square format to be used as icons.

Fully Detailed Artworks

Character Artworks: starting at 400 EUR

Fully detailed and colored, representative piece of your character. Backgrounds are simple and fitting character with color scheme. These pictures are focused on character's exposure, not on illustrative picture with heavily sceneric backgrounds.

Full Illustrations: starting at 600 EUR

Fully detailed, time consuming, scenic piece. Includes full background, lighting and details. On top of my painting skills I also use textures, custom brushes, matte painting and photobashing in my illustration process.

Character Designs

Character Design: starting at 450 EUR

Custom character on simple background. Characters are made from scratch, based on provided descriptions, keywords, wishes and desires. This option is also for people who want to see their character as different species or if they want me to redesign existing character as well. This option is limited to single fullbody piece with variations available.

Reference Sheets

Collection of character shots meant to be informative and serve for further work with other artists. All shots are in flat color, fully rendered shots are priced individually.
Price is a sum based on desired content. There is no flat rate.
Name logo and color palette are included in every sheet.

Important: This type is meant for characters with existing visual representations. If your character wasn't drawn before and you only have text description and absolutely no pictures - I will not accept your commission request. Please consider commissioning a character design piece and then expand it into a reference sheet.

Amount of shots per sheet is limited but is determined on case by case basis.
Reference sheet needs to contain at least one fullbody and 3 other elements.
While I don't mind expanding, building up and editing sheets over time - I will not be doing so with sheets older than 2-3 years, depending on discrepancies between old sheet style and current skillset.

Prices below are provided for your guidance and planning, but please remember that every single commission is priced individually:

Quadrupedal fullbodies:
   Painted character view, winged: starting at 400 EUR
   Lined character view, winged: starting at 250 EUR
   Outfit on a copy of a painted fullbody: starting at 80 EUR
   Outfit on a copy of a lined fullbody: starting at 80 EUR

Anthro fullbodies:
   Anthro fullbody, front: starting at 180 EUR
   Anthro fullbody, back: starting at 140 EUR
   Outfit on a copy of a painted fullbody: starting at 60 EUR
   Outfit on a copy of a lined fullbody: starting at 60 EUR

Other details:
   Lined small details (eye, tailtip, accessories): starting at 15 EUR
   Lined medium details (paws/limbs): starting at 30 EUR
   Lined portraits: starting at 40 EUR
   Lined wingspreads, including both dorsal and ventral: starting at 80 EUR

Illustration-style additions in painterly style are welcome and priced on case by case basis.
Simplified, small fullbodies to show colors distribution are welcome and priced individually.